Thursday 12 January 2017




Welcome to Shia Book

This page is dedicated to the Shia understanding of the religion of Islam.

The historic GHADIR SERMON is given in its full version as written in ancient history books of Shia Muslims. It is one of the most significant documents on Earth. The impact of the Ghadir Sermon on the history of humanity is incalculable.

Shia Muslims claim that they believe in only one true God called Allah; and they also accept Prophet Mohammed as the final messenger of God. They believe in Holy Quran as the pure and complete book from God. Shias believe in Imam Ali as the true leader of humanity after the death of the Prophet. They believe in 12 Holy Imams from Prophet’s lineage [Ahlulbayt]. God had chosen these 12 Leaders to protect His Divine Law. They were mentioned by Prophet Mohammed in the historic sermon at place called Ghadir.

In 2002, the United Nations recommended Ali, the first of those 12 Divine Guides, as an ideal leader of humanity. U.N. said that if the Arab world had followed Ali, they would have been very successful today. Even now if they follow Ali then there would be no terrorism, nor poverty. The Report by UN said Ali can impact positively lives of millions of poor and oppressed people. This recommendation of Ali by the United Nations shows the significant of a 1400 year old event known as Ghadir, a place where world changing sermon was delivered by Prophet Mohammed. Therefore, it is necessary to probe into this event which is relevant today.

Most of the articles that are posted here come from Shias themselves. We have allowed Shias to speak on their own doctrines and practices. This website is proud to present the first complete English translation of the historic sermon of at Ghadir.

Brief Background to Ghadir

Ghadir is a place where Shia Muslims believe God anointed Ali as Successor to His final Prophet Muhammad. Shias say that in the year 632, God ordered His Prophet to name Ali as his heir.

After completing the final pilgrimage, the Prophet ordered a large number of pilgrims to halt in middle the hot desert. He told them to listen carefully to an important message from God. Over a hundred thousand men were surrounding his temporary desert pulpit. Ghadir address was a long sermon that took the Prophet about three hours to deliver. Prophet posted speakers to rely his words to the large crowd. Prophet Muhammad told this large gathering at Ghadir that he would soon leave them, and that he was now appointing Ali as the Master of believers, whom they must love and follow.

Prophet feared the plots made by his disciples to kill Ali. However, God reassured His Prophet that He would not allow Ali to be harmed. However, a political coup was secretly organised by a closed group of Sahabas [companions, disciples] of Mohammed. It was a plan to overthrow Ali, the legitimate heir of Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet became aware of the plan. He mentioned it in his famous speech.

Shia muslims claim that when you look carefully into history of early Islam, you realise terrible events occurred which are unknown to many people to this day. Plots were hatched that resulted in murder of Prophet Muhammad, and persecution of his pious descendents.

Here are some examples of shocking events that occurred in early history:

1. The pen and paper incident occurred days before the death of the Prophet. The Holy Prophet was prevented from writing down his instructions before his death.

2. On the day Prophet died, some disciples deserted dead body of the Prophet and fought over leadership. Shia muslims claim that Ali was Prophet’s designated Successor. Prophet's body lay unburied while the secret gathering at Saqifa hall took place in order to grab political power away from Ali.

3. After the coup, Prophet’s inheritance is denied to his daughter. Fatima goes to new leader to demand her father properties. Government refuses Fatima claim. Fatima is later attacked in her own home, and she dies due to the severe injuries.

The Shias say that history shows how extremely disgraceful the disciples of Prophet Muhammad behaved before and after his death.

Readers will find on this website the full details, and references, of these and other incidents in history.

On this page, we present important information for those who are studying the Shia Faith. Important texts by Shia scholars are given, for example, the Shia version of the biography of the Prophet Muhammad. We have given research done by various authors who have contributed to our page. Material from other websites is likewise presented. We have also included many sayings of Imam Ali, as well as other leaders of Shia Muslims.

Lately, many academics have begun studying Shia Islam. At the University, we have many Shia colleagues and friends who have aided us in historical sources. Other researchers at various Univesities from across the world have also sent us material for this page. We thank everyone's contributions. Some material will be added at a later date. Please check regularly for latest additions.

We hope that this website would prove ideal for people who are researching Shia beliefs and practices. The page has followers from around the world. The site is regularly updated. For any comment or question, please email us, or you may write in the comment box under this introduction.

Thank you.
Professor Olonzo.

The shia muslims often refer to Prophet Muhammad as "Nabi" as well as "Rasul".



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